Question Integrated I/O Shield won't fit in the case (wrong cutouts)

Mar 11, 2019
It's my first time building a pc, and I noticed that the cutouts made in my case (Cougar mx 330-g) are very different from the motherboard (Aorus z390 pro wifi). I'm seeing something wrong, or this cutouts aren't an issue? I post pics of the problem

Images here
I/O shield snaps into the big rectangular hole on the left side of top picture, the motherboard lines up with the holes in the I/O plate and the standoffs. The slots below the fan grate (right side) are used for add-on cards like gpus, Lan etc. Ends up looking like this.
Yes, I know that, but my motherboard doesn't end like that. Fits the part below the I/O plate, which it's a long silver stick, but the top part (imagine the case layed in the table) won't push in because of the incongruence in the holes of the case and the I/O Shield of the motherboard. My question is, should I have to enlarge the holes in my case for a proper fit, or there is another way? If I screw the motherboard, the I/O Shield presents a gap where the dust can come in.
The rectangular I/O plate is inserted into that large hole next to the fan from the inside of the case. The plate will be in your motherboard box, maybe at the bottom under other stuff. The plate must be inserted before you attempt to put the MB in the case. You may need to use the blunt end of a screwdriver or something to push on it at the corners if it won't go by hand, but do it carefully. Don't bend it.

See here at 19:45

Oh, your MB comes with an integrated I/O shield. I've never had one, but I think that it just slides into the rectangular hole from the inside of the case.
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