Intel Announces Project Alloy VR ('Merged Reality') Developer Kit HMD (Updated)

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To be able to play real music in VR is truly impressive! I can't think of a more demanding task, in terms of latency and tracking accuracy.

I'm glad to see Intel taking AR/VR so seriously. I hope that means we'll see a significant improvement in Kabylake's processor graphics.


Jan 1, 2007
Issue is; it's all vapor. I've watched the 'release trailer' (posted here) vs the actual tech demo. They look absolutely nothing alike, the first one is stunning and more akin to a cinematic for a A+ Pc game, where as the actuality of it, is the tracking looks like crap in the tech demo (took 3+ tries to flip a 'huge' lever with his hands) everything is granular, and where the concept of completely wireless is obviously 'ideal'. It's not practical. Having a VR device as a peripheral is one thing, (like having a monitor) but if you have your cpu integrated with the monitor, that's really expensive to replace, and that's what I see being done here. not only that but because it's wireless your also into the 'mobile chips' which your going to lose massive performance on (for energy use considerations) Where I like the wireless idea, I think putting the processing on the head set will end up being the big mistake. Within 2-3 years the headset will be complete junk if it gets any traction at all. Now: if something could be produced to look like the 'cinematic trailer' people might be willing to over look the 30 minute battery life (or 25lbs headset) but it's not the case.. Good idea.. Bad implimentation imo


All good points, but...

  • ■ It's still a demo/devkit - not a finished product.
    ■ See their new vest prototype - this seems to be the way things will go, for a few years.
    ■ New tech is often a bit rough. If you look at it as a proof-of-concept, I think it's still pretty impressive.
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