They "weren't" bad, they ARE bad. This is not just my view of how bad they are when you try to do more than use a single screen. Their display ports have always had issues with all monitors I've tried attaching and I've had to swap to HDMI and use 60Hz or the monitors would turn off suddenly, the PC would BSOD or it would change the refresh to 30Hz at times. Not even counting their love for 59.xHz refresh rate. Some monitors you can't even set them at their native refresh rates for some reason. Then you have colour calibration, which is another abomination in terms of usage of their drivers. Hell, my current laptop I use for work cannot get more than 2 monitors going, even with the docking station because it BSODs! I've asked our support people about it and they can't do anything because I have the latest drivers and all that. And this is not me with the issue either. We use Dell Precisions, which are not even your cheap line. This is the first laptop I've had so many issues with (from work), because it's an "only Intel" laptop (no dGPU). Previous versions I've had either a Quadro or Fire card as a proper GPU with zero issues (when used). Whenever people had issues, I checked whether they were using the dGPUs (if their laptop had it) or not. For some reason, the Company didn't install the dGPU drivers by default and I had to convince them to do so whenever someone had issues.
I could keep going on about how many things I've tried to "use" and just don't work or kind of work if you're willing to accept a weird experience. If you are the type that just "uses it" without changing anything, well, good for you, I guess? For the big majority that actually needs to use the video card for things just a little out of the basic experience, well, Intel drivers are just horrible.