InvalidError :
achoo2 :
Meanwhile, if and when the graphics guys ever manage to transition to a new node they're going to be charging you /more/ money for less performance because they know they've got to stretch the node for three to seven more years.
The other foundries (UMC, TSMC, GF, etc.) are almost three years behind Intel process-wise and for AMD/Nvidia/etc.'s sakes, they probably cannot afford falling much further behind than that - matching Intel on performance/watt is going to become extremely difficult if foundries slip a whole two process nodes (4-5 years) behind Intel and Samsung.
Since Samsung and GF decided to start doing "copy-smart" to help ramp up 14nm last month, there is a chance GF might move up to only being a year behind Intel instead of slipping further behind.
How can you say TSMC is 3yrs behind when they will ship A8's shortly for iphone6@20nm? If my 20nm is out before your 14nm at worst I'm ~2yrs behind and they have 14nm on tap for volume Q1 2016 (though I'd say Q2). If Intel's coming this Oct/Nov with devices (they said they'd miss back to school) and TSMC is looking at somewhere in 1h2016 for 16nm again that's under 2yrs.
20nm socs 3q14 for phones and tablets.
Either they are completely lying or 20% of their revenue is 20nm this year in Q4. They are ramping and ahead of schedule already (fixed yields).
Samsung's A8 is coming a little later, so I'm not seeing your points. Don't get me wrong, I think samsung wins in the end if financials don't change for Intel/TSMC so they can keep up with $30B that samsung makes but TSMC appears to be in front on 20nm. You can't win as Intel or TSMC when samsung is spending 22B and Intel 11B while TSMC spent 9.7B (upping it this year to 11-12B IIRC, so tie ballgame for TSMC). Unless Intel figures out how to stop samsung from selling so many phones/tablets they are screwed most likely in 5yrs. If Samsung continues in 5yrs they will have spent $100B on fabs to Intel's 50B. Intel fabs are dead if they don't change the game here in some way that matters.
"TSMC is starting its first 20 nm mass production this quarter, which will put it ahead of Intel -- if only briefly."
"So arguably TSMC is about a year behind Intel in process, at present, and Samsung is a year behind TSMC. Globalfoundries, a fourth major player, is thought to be a little behind Samsung."
So you say 3yrs, Dailytech, eetimes, digitimes etc think they are NOWHERE near 3yrs behind and samsung is behind tsmc. Everybody seems to agree but you. What is it you know that they do not? Is intel selling 40mil phones? Millions of top tablets behind our backs? NO. There is no process lead here. They are equal or you'd be winning something. I hate to agree with J. Mick, but this time he's not crazy
You have too much faith in (love for?) intel. Certainly as an AMERICAN fanboy (not intel, more AMD old time fanboy here but management has been killing them for a decade) I'd rather see an american company squash samsung (and TSMC) but the spending facts don't lie so no point in ignoring the reality here for me. IBM might look like they stepped away from the gang, but the R&D that is needed for most of their part is done for 20/14nm. Also they are still collaborating on below this, though probably until IBM dumps it all. They haven't been fabbing tons anyway; IBM does R&D then passes it to the other two to let them flesh it all out (they do not fab much themselves). Of course also as an american I'd rather see samsung kick the crap out of TSMC instead of see TSMC reach the top. I don't see how TSMC wins as they totally depend on the fab, where samsung has other devices to sell (phones, tablets, glass, memory, ssd's, tvs etc etc). This will be a war like google/amazon driving down phones (or killing an OS/DirectX in google vs. MS war) because they have ways to bleed you to death on the hardware while OTHER stuff pays the bills (books, movies etc on amazon, ads etc for google).
The most important point to me about Intel? For all the love of their process stuff from people like you (and me years ago), what has it gotten them? IF they are so far ahead, why are they not getting squat in phones and tablets? They are having to PAY to get into devices. They are promising to make up the cost difference on an ARM chip vs. Baytrail etc if you go their way (funny, I thought that was anti-competitive). They are essentially making nothing to get into a device (selling at ARM pricing instead of INTEL pricing). How good is a process if you are NOT the leaders because of it? It's 28nm vs 22nm and you gained nothing even with finfet (when they get it what then? Even that little help is gone). It's going to be 20nm vs. 14nm soon and again you'll gain nothing from it. I predict we will see the same things on the new processes from both sides. Intel will again have to buy their way into stuff unless magically 20nm fails for samsung/tsmc shortly (they are ramping already at tsmc for iphione6 with far better yields now so no magic will stop this).
I'm not alone thinking the above:
"We continue to believe Intel will lose money and not gain material EPS from tablets or smartphones"
Proof they are right so far:
"The mobile and communications group saw a $3.1 billion operating loss in 2013, with 1Q 2014 losses hitting $929 million and revenues at $156 million."
So 3.1B last year, and based on 1Q14, looks like you're ramping to a 4B loss this year right?
Intel's dumb comments in response:
"We feel that we have a plan"
"We’re actually feeling pretty good"
ROFL. Sounds confident. I'd prefer "we will dominate because of X and this is how and why they will suck compared to us" - something like that. They are a gorilla trying to thump the chest without arms (pun intended)...LOL.
and worse:
“Keep in mind we are also manufacturing these chips now at 22 nm, and we are in the process of starting up our 14 nm process.”
Umm...OK, and everyone else is doing this (to use Intel's own words):
“Keep in mind we are also manufacturing these chips now at 28 nm, and we are in the process of starting up our 20 nm process.” and will beat Intel to our new process...
See how that works? You're getting nowhere. Time to buy NV so you can get into the ARM game for real. Producing their chips on Intel's process WILL make a difference. Better mobile design+your process=WIN The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results right?

Buy NV for a REAL game changer. Based on the $4B they will lose this year if you go 5-6yrs of that you could have bought NV today and drove TSMC/Samsung's fabs into a painful existence. IF they keep this up until 7nm etc you gain nothing. Not to mention you can fill your fabs with 550nm gpus instead of delaying upgrades to 14nm fabs. The game changer here is buying NV and producing their stuff at Intel fabs. Intel is good enough to look like they're in the game, but not good enough to take ARM out without BEING ARM (tegra K1 etc). Pay Jen Hsun 3B to either walk away or run the SOC/GPU depts (CTO or some decent title) and buy them for another 22B. In 6yrs at these losses it's basically FREE and the damage you can do for the next 10yrs will destroy fab competition as all others would REALLY be behind by 2yrs+ forever with the same thing we have now. Only then it would be ARM who was trying to win via the definition of insanity
😉 Intel would have the lowest power gpus for ages with the best perf, lowest watt/best perf socs, best cpus and TWO modem solutions (software and hardware versions) and doing so gives you a reason to upgrade fabs to 14nm instead of delaying them because you can't keep them full. Instead intel seems to think you can throw more money at it just like the govt...LOL.
I'd say buy NV or AMD if AMD had a few socs out already but they just don't so you have to go with #1 gpu (their weak link forever) and a proven soc history with a desktop gpu in them now. Anything less than this is a failure that screws your company and shareholders out of $3-4B a year. Once 64bit models on ARM's side hit the desktops I'd bet money someone on ARM's side will decide to "vertically integrate" more and put out a DISCRETE GPU to cut out AMD/NV from being in their 500w ARM PC's. That is a no brainer. They won't want to support their mortal enemies' bottom lines with GPU sales who's profits will ultimately be used against them (AMD isn't an enemy yet, but will be the second their mobile socs hit). INTEL is NOT ahead. $1B Q1 loss purely on mobile doesn't lie.