The statement that China must make it's own processors if the sanctions are too strict is... obvious, and is happening already - that man isn't a genius, he's just moaning about all the money Intel's not making, he's also alluding to the fact that intel IS willing to help china with chip production btw. (Make note of that!) and all the future benefits it could have for Intel.
Of course, Intel wants China to keep buying its products now as always, China really wants to stop buying and create it's own, it's just being forced to slow down with these sanctions - ironically, the harder the sanctions are, the better for China as it will sink more money to compensate whilst taking whatever it can via sanctions to still grow, it'll just grow internally faster, until possibly it's mature enough to dominate the chip industry one day with it's massive industrial base. (kinda like what it's doing now with EV's)
IF intel is willing to help china grow off the books just enough to change the rate of growth, china may take the lead eventually. (this has happened before with cars made in china btw. - ask VW how it feels about that now)
The only problem is - the rate of innovation is rising, new technology is fueling new industries, the demand for CPU power is increasing and China is late to the game when it comes to internal CPU production - and here's the key to this - if the world (and by that i mean Taiwan and Korea mostly) can keep innovating and growing new production nodes faster than china can build it's local industry, it won't matter as it'll always be behind - and IF the sanctions are helping to hold it back just enough - then it's always playing catch up.
(Duh - sanctions do work, but only if everyone else is onboard)
The race for CPU dominance lies with the current players in the short term, not the upcoming China production - which is why Taiwan becomes so much more important for China btw. and is alarming to Intel also. (unless china comes up with a new way to produce chips of course - in the long term)
Presently, Intel (and pretty much everyone else) doesn't produce their own chips on the latest nodes anymore and just offshore's it all to Taiwan and Korea - problem is china wants to swallow Taiwan and when they do, US sanctions wont work at all and the US will be in BIG trouble, and so will Intel.
Intel is a prime benefactor of all this btw as it'll get paid to rebuild US fabs to protect US interests - and is now scrambling to re-create it in the US to protect it's livelyhood by trying to stay relevant in the face of pending geopolitical tensions and the reality that it can't afford to fall further behind.
China needs to build it's own chips = Intel being paid to rebuild its production base in the US and still grow in china one way or the other, even if it has to do so on the sly.
That man is an idiot - and a genius.