Well I'm using dinopc to build a PC and I've figured out I'll save £40 by choosing the H81/H87 chip-set rather than the Z87
Considering I'm on low budget but still really hoping for a PC that can run the newest games would this chip-set (H81/H87) affect fps in games
Here are my specs:
i5 4570 - 8GB DDR3 1300mhz (2x4GB) - GTX 760 2GB - 1TB SATA - 550 W - No Operating System
Considering I'm on low budget but still really hoping for a PC that can run the newest games would this chip-set (H81/H87) affect fps in games
Here are my specs:
i5 4570 - 8GB DDR3 1300mhz (2x4GB) - GTX 760 2GB - 1TB SATA - 550 W - No Operating System