Intel Core 2 Quad reaching very high temperatures - What should I do, if I get a new cooler what one should I use?


Feb 13, 2016
I recieved recently an old PC from my dad as a little project for me to fix up. I want to fix it up as it is more powerful than my laptop.

I noticed that the CPU, using RealTemp and Speccy, reached very high temperatures, especially when doing a demanding task such as running a 3D game. The system is also prone to frequent freezes which require a forced shutdown.

What should I do to fix the problem? If I need a new cooler, any reccomendations?

Thanks in advance.

Here's an image of the current setup:

That'll be pushpins as above then, it could be old paste, either way remove it, clean it, apply new paste and refit it. BUT the stock cooler isn't great, spending £20 on a reasonable air cooler would not be a bad idea.
Anything below 80C should not be hot enough to cause problems aside from being somewhat on the toasty side.

If you are seeing more than 75C, the heatsink is likely not making good contact with the CPU. If you are lucky, you may be able to fix it by simply removing the HSF, cleaning the CPU and HSF, re-applying thermal paste and re-installing. If that does not work, you may need a new HSF, preferably one with a mounting plate that goes behind the socket to eliminate loose push-pin holes as a potential issue.

Then the heatsink is not making good enough contact with the CPU.

The fan is "very loud" because the fan controller is trying to crank the fan speed as high as it can to cool the CPU but poor heat transfer from the CPU to the heatsink makes the fan ineffective.

I had the same issue with my C2D E8400. I fixed it by putting a Hyper 212+ on it.
Try re-applying the thermal compound.(Arctic Silver is what I use)
Also, What is the model of your CPU ??
Try underclocking it via bio or in windows power options
It may give less performance but if it is a really old cpu, then it should be given some rest :)