Intel Core i5-2400 @ 3.10GHz CPU Fan/Heatsink Recommendations Needed


Jan 27, 2014

I am trying to find a Fan/Heatsink for my Intel Core i5-2400 @ 3.10GHz Processor. The processor supports a LGA1155 socket, and the Cooler master Hyper Evo is a great recommendation. However, I think it will be too big to fit in my case. Can anyone recommend a good CPU fan/heatsink for my needs? It has to be: quiet, not too big, and supports the LGA1155 socket. I was looking at the Cooler Master Hyper TX3, but it says it supports the Intel LGA 775 and 1156 platforms only. Does that work for my LGA1155 socket?

Thanks all.
If you are not planning on overclocking the processor, you really don't need to change the heat sync/fan. The Intel unit does a fine job. However, if you still want to, the CM TX3 logainofhades recommended is fine. I have it on one of my rigs now.

I do not plan on overclocking the processor. The only reason I want to change the fan is because I have used the PC for a good 2+ years, and the fan is making a whirling noise, and an intermittent rattling sound that lasts 2-3 seconds/ every 10 seconds. Since you have the CM TX3, do you think it is quiet? I really prefer and want a quiet cooler.
Oh, I see. Yes, it sounds like it may be failing. have you blown the dirt and dust off of it? If it is clogged with dust it can act that way too.

If the TX3's fan is at low speed, it is practically silent. At least mine is. Any fan that size will get noisier as it increases RPM. And in a small case, it is even more noticeable.

You can also check out ebay for a new Intel cooler like you have now for very little money:

I think I would pick up a Cooler master to replace the stock fan. When you say it's quiet at idle, I really like that idea. Let's say I'm browsing web pages and just checking e-mail. Would that be considered "idle", if not, how much louder would the fan be?