Intel core i5 4440 + Nvidia GTS 450 Zotac bottleneck?


Mar 13, 2015
Hello, guys. I've always resorted to Tom's Hardware to get to know more about Hardware and such and now I'm here with a question.

That's my config:

Processor: Intel core i5 4440 3.1 Ghz (max 3.3 Ghz)
Mobo: GA-B85M-D3H - Gigabyte
GPU: Nvidia GTS 450 Zotac
HDD: 500 GB
2 aditional Cooler fans
I don't remember the info about my PSU, I bought it like... 5 years ago when I had a first generation Intel i3 2357 1.3 Ghz and old mobo. But for sure the PSU isnt an 500W one.

So, I used to run considerably heavy games at almost the max (such as Devil May Cry, Ghost Recon Phantoms) with that low config, being able to hit 60 fps easily. Recently, I put a new processor i5 and mobo, but kept GPU and all the rest. Now I experience severe fps drops playing those games after a certain time. Like, they run ok at 60 fps, then drop from time to time and hardly goes back to 60 fps.

I noticed I had to alt tab for a while and then go back to game to have full 60 fps again. First, I thought the problem was associated solely to temperature. GPU used to hit 99ºC easily playing games at medium settings, after 3 minutes of gameplay, so I added 2 cooler fans (pc had none for 5 years). It solved a little bit (temp went from 99ºC to 89ºC), meaning that the pc can hold on some good fps for a while before going down to an unplayable level (21 ~ 27).

I'm wondering about two things:

1. PSU can't handle new CPU, so PSU isn't being able to deliver the same power as before to GPU, thus making GPU have a decrease in performance (lowering fps) , due to heating

2.GPU bottlenecking CPU

edit: pc froze today for the first time with i5...

P.s.: Should I post a screenshot of volts behaviour during gameplay for better analysis?
Thank you in advance.
Yea it probably PSU issue,it is already 5 years old and adding new part that is more power hungry then last one probably push it over limits.Can you post a picture of your psu with sticker on it or just give us name and model number.
Yea it probably PSU issue,it is already 5 years old and adding new part that is more power hungry then last one probably push it over limits.Can you post a picture of your psu with sticker on it or just give us name and model number.
First of all, thank you very much for helping.

The only info I have about it is on the sticker on its fan, which is Thermaltek TT 8025 A, but that's just the fan. I'm not sure about opening it due to cooler fans installation (there's one on the lateral) and I could just ruin it. But I'm 100% sure it's not a 500W.

I'm thinking of getting this PSU: Corsair CX-600W 80 Plus Bronze
I'm also planning to get a GTX 970 Windofrce by Gigabyte. Would that Corsair CX-600W 80 Plus Bronze handle both i5 4440 and GTX 970?

Thank you again!
Yes it can handle then without problems.Open your case pull GPU out and clean it to lower temps also try to clean some dust in case also.Just cleaning a little dust from GPU cooler will reduce temps allot so don't be afraid. Classic procedure, turn off pc, turn off PSU, disconnect all cables from PC,hold power button on case from 20 sec to discharge all power left in parts and then pull out what you need to clean.