Intel core I5 8400 vs I5 8600K vs I7 8700 vs I7 8700K


Jul 23, 2017
Hi! Im planning to buy a cpu just for gaming.
Prices in my country are a little bit high:
Intel core I5 8400: 270USD
Intel core I5 8600K: 387USD
Intel core I7 8700: 465USD
Intel core I7 8700K: 545USD

So, wich one should I buy, I'm planning to not upgrade in the next 4 years so an I5 8400 will last me 4 years?
I have a 980Ti and I play on a 1080p 144hz monitor.
Sorry for my English! 😀

The 980ti 6gb is still a very decent card. You might be pushing it for 144hz on something like...

Yes, I already know that but wich cpu would you choose? It has to last me 4 years and it's only for gaming
Btw thanks for answering
Single core performance is more important when going for high fps and as you have a 144Hz you should be aiming for high fps. This is where an overclocked cpu helps, the 8600k & 8700k would be the better options. The difference between the 8600k & 8700k in games is small but its impossible to say if the gap will widen in the future.

Ok so do you think it's worth to spend 100USD more for the 8600K? I saw some reviews where the 8400 can play most games at 144hz

if you knew that then why not mention it as it takes longere to figure out what your intentions are? but they all have 6 physical cores vs the older gens that had 4 so any of them will be good for 4+ years. if you are not comfortable with overclocking you can save money by going for the non K versions of the 8600 and 8700


Okay thank you I'm thinking to pick an 8400 and wait to the H370 or B360 motherboards so I will save some money :)


I'd say yes. Your going to have to buy a Z370 motherboard anyway. The 8600k can OC usually to 4.8-5.0, that's a significant (approx 25%) increase over the 8400. A lot will depend on the game but if you are wanting the cpu to last as long as possible I would go 800k.
Yes I saw a spanish youtuber said that too. The 8600K will be a better option to the future but I dont think that 100USD plus a Z370 mtoherbord will be worth it.
I'm going to wait to the H370 or B360 chipsets to see how much they cost and wich cpu is worth buying :)
Btw thank you for answering!


Thank you for answering and I think that too. For me it's not worth to spend more in the 8600K with a z370 motherboard.
The 8400 can play games ay 1080p 144hz without problems and I have a 980Ti so I thinkthe 8400 will be the best buy for the money.

If you wait I reckon the 8600k may drop a bit after the cheaper boards release. Once the 8400 becomes more appealing with cheaper boards I expect the 8600k price to be adjusted.

High fps gaming is always very demanding on the cpu. Look back at the i5 4690k, it was a great cpu for high fps gaming when released 4 years ago. Its now an ok cpu for 60Hz/fps in the latest AAA games.

The 980ti 6gb is still a very decent card. You might be pushing it for 144hz on something like BF1, but still dialing back some settings a little might get you there. FOr most other games, yeah 144hz is possible. Depends on the game though.

Still the 8400 and 980ti is a decent gaming combo now for smooth gameplay at 1080p @60hz-120hz, and maybe more in some games. Will the CPU last 4 years, maybe, will the GPU last 4 years, prob not. But you can upgrade the GPU in the future and your CPU will still be able to drive it just fine.

Enjoy! :)