Intel core i7 3770 causing huge bottlenecks


Aug 7, 2015
Hey there

I recently upgraded to a 980ti from an old gtx 760 expecting a massive fps improvement and i have got nothing like it. in gta v i drop to around 35fps when on the busy roads. in hitman absolution i get around 40fps when in open areas or heavily populated ones.

in the gpu tests i did (vally benchmark) i was getting around 90fps on the extreme setting, so it shows that my gpu is fine.

i have an intel i7 3770. its a fairly old cpu and i think its bottlenecking my system. is this correct? im thinking of upgrading to a 5930k, will this improve my performance?

please help me, i feel like ive just wasted 600 pounds on a gpu that isnt doing what it should
No way a 3770 is bottlenecking a 980ti. Im still on a 2600k @4.2Ghz and have no bottleneck with SLI 780tis both OCd.

Tried to monitor your CPU+GPU usage at the same time? Works with hwmonitor+Riva for displaying the hwmonitor stuff.

I monitored it whilst playing GTA and the CPU was sitting at around 60% whilst the GPU was around 47% usage

Would only be a CPU bottleneck if it would hit 100% all the time while the GPU idles around at said 47%.
So it's not that.
Well no idea what could cause the problem. Maybe someone else will provide an answer. 😛