Intel Core i7-4770 versus other i7's


Aug 13, 2015
Hi I I am thinking of buying said CPU and was wondering whether the it will make much difference in games. I don't plan to over clock it or anything and just need it to play games. Is that enough or should I go for something like a 4770K/4790K? I found a good deal for a second hand 4770 for £150. I am currently using an i3-4170. Is it worth the upgrade?


No, it won't bottleneck ANY GPU. You could even run 2 980s with that CPU without any bottleneck.
CPU usually last a couple of years. Should last at least 3 years i guess. :)

Thanks for the reply. So it wouldn't bottleneck a 980 for example? And would be adequate for say another 2 years?
The 4790k would be your best bet as it has a very high stock clock speed.
4ghz base clock, 4.2ghz 4 core boost, 4.4ghz single core boost. VERY fast.

It will smoke the i3 you currently have and will not bottleneck on any single gpu currently available. Not even close.

No, it won't bottleneck ANY GPU. You could even run 2 980s with that CPU without any bottleneck.
CPU usually last a couple of years. Should last at least 3 years i guess. :)