Intel Core i7-6700K + MSI B150 Gaming M3, Socket-1151 = CPU red light :(

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May 15, 2016
Hi i had an old post but my problem wasnt really resolved so ill create a new one , hope that is ok ?,

So kid tried to assemble his first pc , and things went awry.

But ive taken over the project, after my last post it was suggested to rma the mb and we received a brand new today..

new Parts:

- MSI B150 Gaming M3, Socket-1151 x 2
- HyperX Fury DDR4 2133MHz 16GB kit
- Cooler Master Hyper TX3 Evo CPU cooler


- psu: heiftec ntro 85 650w model number BPS-650c
- cant remember which ssd or gpu we have , but i guess its not relevant

So we are stuck with no picture on our monitor 🙁
when I try to boot I get a solid red cpu light, looks like the mb gets power for all the led lights on the board lights up

I have also tried to boot without the cpu cooler but then the mb just blinks..

At this point im not sure what to do , Im starting to fear that the cpu is broken, but Im hoping that its something trivial.

I have search around the net and I found some other guys with the same problem, And some suggested to reset the CMOS on the mb . I pulled the battery yesterday but I have not tried to reasamble it after ,

Any suggestions to fix the pc?

Its a good answer but ive gone trough this list and at this point everything looks to be ok ,

My kid did many of those beginner mistakes , But at this point ive taken over the project and I have built several system in the past never ran into problems like this.

It was suggested to build the pc to trouble shoot outside of the pc on a wood top , so thats how I have assembled it at this point. Could the cpu cooler cause problems like this ?

what is the motherboard resting on?

This sounds reasonable and im starting to suspect that its a bad mix . But I think other people have mixed those together without problems ?
-just reread your initial post.

1) NEVER boot a pc without a cpu cooler. the cpu will turn into molten waste metal in less than 5 seconds.
2) remove all the ram except for 1 stick, try it in every slot, then change the stick of ram, keep trying with all 4 sticks
3) that is a questionable psu. might want to replace it with something... um... less soviet block? find something on teir 1 or 2 on this list
4) resting the motherboard on an unsurfaced wooden table is fine. if you have the antistatic bag under it you're probably cooking the motherboard, as those bags are actually conductive.
5) some motherboards won't boot without a CMOS battery in. put the battery back in.

I just put it on the floor

Im gonna try all you remarks and come back here within 30 min
ok I tried to power it on ,

tried with only 1 memort stick

i dont have jumoer stick but I saw an youtube video saying that removing the battery is basicaly the same thing .,

anyway still stuck with red cpu light

I guess at this point that an reasonable question , i think I have but ive uploaded some pictures:



mmmmmm... your cpu is installed correctly; though the cpu cooler looks like it's backwards that shouldn't matter anyway.

lets breadboard your system

follow those instructions. you may need to purchase a motherboard speaker to attach, if that board does not come with one attached (it doesn't look like there is one)

let me know what the beeps are. we'll start from the basics.

OK I'll invest in an mb speaker.. Hopefully I can have it by tomorrow
So have you found a solution yet? I have the exact same parts and same error. Can't get it to start, just showing red cpu light! Would be great to hear what you have figured out:)

I have same parts, and having the same problem aswell.... everything is connected where it should be..... and on this kind of processor does NOT have bins that can easily bend like the ones we used back in the 90's...

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