Intel Core i7-7740K Sets CPU Frequency And RAM World Records

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What cpu frequency record?? The Intel Kabylake-X record?? WOW they broke the record on something that very very few people have at this point due to ES status of the cpu's.. Even old intel celerons have clocked higher as well as a few types of AMD cpu's.. JS..


Managing Editor: News and Emerging Technology
Feb 24, 2015

First, some are better than others. See: cold bug.

Second, that wasn't even the thrust of the statement. If you are going to quote the article, please quote the entire sentence so that the context is maintained.

The new Kaby Lake-X models are very overclocking friendly when paired with liquid nitrogen and helium, but we aren't sure of overclocking ceilings with more accessible air or water cooling just yet.


Managing Editor: News and Emerging Technology
Feb 24, 2015

Neither Intel or AMD cover overclocking with the standard warranty. So yes, it does void the warranty :)

Intel sells an additional bit of warranty coverage to cover overclocking damage. I am not aware of a similar 'extended' warranty with AMD.
Sorry but the current so called Kabylake-X cpu's are not what an -X or -E cpu should be at all.. It is the same damn die as normal Kabylake with the Igpu fused off to create dark silicon that allows for higher clock speeds at the cost of having an on die gpu, quick sync, and a few other cool things. Anyways in the semi recent past when Intel has taken a core from the mainstream platform to the server/HEDT platform they have done a complete redo of the chip and have just kept the same basic cpu core but with so much more cores, cache, memory channels, ect. Skylake-X is made in this tradition of taking the basic core and pimping the f-ing crap out of it, so in my mind WTF is this so called Kabylake-X that Intel is trying to pass off? They should have just kept calling it Kabylake (well technically it is the Kabylake-S IIRC).. Anyways I also hear that Intel is gonna screw over the current LGA-1551 owners and not allow Coffee Lake or Cannon Lake to run in them. That is pure bull as Cannon Lake was supposed to be the next cpu on the platform after Skylake originally. Intel was running way behind on 10nm so pulled a Devils Canyon like refresh out of Skylake in the form of Kabylake (oh they did update the graphics slightly), and still way behind on 10nm they came up with Coffee Lake to buy for even more time.. Intel has the best cpu's and fabs but I swear they are having a contest with AMD about who's management can make the most foolish decisions. But whatever, if the fools buy Krappylake-X then Intel will be more than happy to shovel Krap down their throats.


Jul 14, 2009

It's an i7 record. THG reported it incorrectly. Not that it matters. All of these "records" are useless wastes of time.



Right, so that's exactly what I'm wondering: is Kaby-X soldered or does it use paste/grease TIM?

If it's not soldered, then I don't see why it'd be more OC-friendly, unless they cherry-pick the fastest dies for it.

Edit: Okay, I see how disabling the iGPU might create a bit more headroom.



Their sockets normally last 2 generations, so it's not exactly unusual.



As you surely know, CPU performance ain't just about clock speeds. That's why the 3DMark records are relevant. If they'd just increase clocks without surpassing previous benchmarks, then I'd agree it's kinda irrelevant.

If Pentium 4 were fabbed today, I bet it would clock in excess of 10 GHz. But probably wouldn't set any benchmark records, even so. See my point?


May 3, 2009
I feel like each time AMD takes a share from intel. Intel releases something whether it be harder advertising or an article of some sort of overclocking achievement. I'm warming up my popcorn. This is going to be an awesome year, especially for AMD.



Carve a "case" out of a tall styrofoam block, put your motherboard with the stock HSF on at the bottom, connect everything up, then do LN2 immersion cooling. If you make the "tank" large enough, you may get away with only one refill per day with the delivery truck dumping the LN2 directly in it!


Jan 10, 2010
I think this is useless in the real world.
Who has ever put a towel or sheet (like in the picture)....

Something is bound to wrong in real world scenarios.
The chips are poised for release soon, and one would imagine that reviews are well underway, so we should know more details soon.

IOW: Since we are under NDA until release date, we can neither confirm nor deny we have a sample that is under/has finished testing. We will hint that we might, using a vague statement in order to comply with said NDA agreements that are active.

Better do that in fairly high humidity. Styrofoam is horribly quick to get static buildup.
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