This is awesome setup because you can buy x299 motherboard for $219 dollars already which gives you amazing room for later upgrade and this CPU can run 5.0Ghz easily producing very little heat. People at Toms Hardware completely missed the point. I'd rather get $219 x299 motherboard than outdated Z270 for $160.
...And as for heat...i think heat talk i have been reading lately is just BS.
I agree that it's cool you have upgrade options when you buy an x299 motherboard. You can spend $350 on Kaby Lake X now then drop another $1000 in the future if you feel the need to buy Skylake X. It seems like Tomshardware didn't give credit to this upgrade path $1350 upgrade path where it's due.
Some people might just buy Skylake X to begin with and save $350 on Kaby Lake X, but I ask "Why not both?"
I think you hit the nail on the head on your x299 chipset point. The x270 chipset was obsolete when it launched with Kaby Lake 6 months ago. I'm glad Intel is giving a chance to rectify the situation by giving us access to the x299 chipset. So what if most of the motherboard is disabled because of the architectural differences between Kaby Lake X and Skylake X? What were you going to use those extra PCIe lanes for? Extra professional devices? Psh, whatever.
Good point about the heat too. I'm tired of people using lines and graphs for stuff. It makes my head hurt. These nerds at Tomshardware could learn a thing or two from our president and just ignore that crap. The heat won't be a problem until you start Windows. That's why you use LINUX!
Thanks for posting freak777power. We friends <3