t99 :
Damn an OC'd 2600 (basically same fps as 2600x) at 150$ new is within 20% of 9700k and 10% of 8600k and cost over 2.5x & 1.5x more. Even if you bought a 9700k with a semi budget board and just enough cooling you could buy a 2600 and 1070ti for the same amount.
So basically what you're saying is:
- Intel CPU is more powerful and faster than AMD
- AMD CPU is cheaper than Intel
- You value price over performance so in your opinion, AMD is a better choice for you.
Cool, we all have different values. A millionaire PC enthusiasts probably doesnt care one bit about price and would willingly spend $500 extra if it meant even 1% better performance (atleast this is how I would think in that situation).