Intel Core i7-980X Processor Extreme Edition In Today's World


Oct 6, 2014
Is the Intel Core i7-980X Processor good enough to play today's games at ultra levels if coupled with a GTX 970 or 980 GPU?

This processor could also be OC'd right? They have some better feature for this if I am not mistaken?

Reason I am asking is because I have a new Asus Xtreme Phase P6X58D Premium Motherboard that I want to make use of and I found a good deal on an i7-980X. The i7-980X looks like it could be tweaked to get some good numbers (3d Mark etc) and play games with ease all though I may be completely off here. It is an older processor and I do not have much experience. Is there a better processor to use on this motherboard? I noticed there are 990Xs also but they are over a thousand dollars.

What should I use in conjunction with the above items to get an ideal setup? (If any)

Seems to be an OK CPU by some quick Googling. Seem to have some latency issues with the L3 cache according to anandtech:

A similar setup in 3dmark with a 970 post scores close to a 4790k + gtx 970:

If you are playing at 1080p a 970 should be sufficient for ultra settings in most titles. The R9 390x would be better though. For some real overkill a 980ti would work or wait for the new 1070 or 1080 cards.

Hi ,
I have a similar system Saberthooth mobo , i7 980x , R9 390x video card .
Getting the 990x cpu wont make a huge difference and the 980x cpu is good for an oclock to about 4.3 - 4.4 if your lucky.
My 980x (O'ced to 4.3) runs at 96% and 390x (no c'clock) at 100% on simple FPS games. It gets tapped out in newer titles.It's really showing it's age now as a gaming platform.
If you have a mobo which you do and can get the 980x cpu cheap ,I say go for it , but dont expect it to play triple A titles at ultra smoothly.