Stock prices are mostly based on belief in future performance.
This is just partly true. Most investors for example agree that Intel will pick up in some 4-6 years from now. That is future, for example, yet, it is not affecting current stock prices.
Intel right now is diverting all profits (a whopping nearly 50% margin over a huge revenue base) into investment. It needs to, it is the correct movement, Intel 7 products aren't going to sell in the near future and production rate for the newer nodes needs massive investment, one that even TSMC is struggling to make and hence why 3nm is taking forever to pick up in production rate despite the astronomical investments.
The real issue why Intel stocks are this low is not due to future belief, but due current lost of trust in the current CEO, since he literally lied and hid information to investors three times in a row.
Normally, he would get immediately changed (and in fact is getting his butt heavily filled in demands), but a tech company in a tech roadblock in an investment crunch needs of somebody with the technological knowledge to navigate that problem, and that is Pat.
So the market is stuck with an Intel that has a CEO that cannot be trusted but cannot be changed for the time being, and everyone deeply hates that, and thus hates Intel stocks due the uncertainty that a CEO that cannot be trusted brings.
Investors are forcing him to reduce the spending and bring back dividends as soon as possible as a way to alleviate the uncertainty, alongside forcing him to make a plan that includes overseers to his work in the finances of the company. Stocks will remain very low until those demands are obeyed + Arrow/Lunar Lake sales starts showing up. And everyone meanwhile are debating if Pat will even follow through or not, hence the DJIA index questioning, among other things.
Pat might even be doing this intentionally to make stock crashes, as he is using all his wage to buy Intel stocks at the moment. He is also being demanded for market manipulation.