Intel CPU overclocking

Fractal GPU

Feb 3, 2016
So I am thinking of overclocking my CPU
I have a E2200 Dual Core 2.2Ghz processor

What should I overclocking it to?
How long will it last?

I wouldn't mind anything over 3months because I'm getting a new one
If the multiplier is locked then theres not much overclocking you can do. Maybe a few mhz from the BLK but if the multiplier is locked then its locked
You cant just set it to something when overclocking. You have to slowly build up. Set it to 1.1v and its base clock. If it boots and is stable then increase the multiplier by 01. Rinse and repeat. Once the processor becomes unstable increase the voltage by 0.025v and test again. If stable increase multiplier. And just keep doing that while monitoring temps

Alright. That said is there a way I can unlock my Processor first?