The prices are amusing to those outside the US. Take BW-E, for example, Scan in the UK has the following (none of which make sense given the existence of Ryzen):
6800K: 416 UKP (approx. $520)
6850K: 585 UKP (approx. $731)
6900K: 990 UKP (approx. $1237) (this was about 200 higher last week, but it's still way too high; ditto the 6850K)
6950X: 1559 UKP (approx. $1949) (presumably aimed at those with no sense at all)
Much more than the article ref prices. One can chalk up these differences to various things of course, but the reality is that these components, and many others, are a lot more costly than toms' summaries make it seem. Readers in the US should bare this in mind when discussing cost issues with readers who are elsewhere, because in some nations these pricing disparities are even more extreme. In recent months I've seen cases of blatant price gouging, timed most likely to exploit the release of Ryzen, with some memory kits almost doubling in price (has nothing to do with shortage of supply).
Chfireball is right about ebay though; when I built an X99 system late last year, an ebay-based company had the best price for a 6850K (557 UKP), and then there are the joys of the used market (3930Ks have been going for as little as 70 UKP recently, trickier part is finding suitable mbds).
I haven't checked, but I'm sure the same kind of differences are present wrt AMD CPU pricing.