Intel CPU prices


Jul 27, 2018
In my country, all Intel core 8th gen processor prices are increased by $25 in all retailer shops. Is this happened only in my country or worldwide?

As 9th gen is about to release, how will it impact the 8th gen price? Will it be more pricey, or become cheaper? If price drops, when it will be?
I only see price drops here

if they are going up for you I think it just means the retailer is running out of stock so he bumped the price back up to suggested retail, it happens towards a product's end of retail cycle. the new chips will hit the shops with new prices but it looks like intel is lacking capacity to put these new refresh cpu's on the shelf for everyone
Intel CPU prices are going to see an increase as they cannot produce enough 14nm parts in their fabs creating a shortagae of 14nm CPUs. So with supply and demand, when the supply goes down and demand remains, pricing goes up.,37777.html

Intel CPUs dont drop in price when a new gen is released. And considering the 9th gen is not that much difference between the 8th gen (other than the i9), I would not expect much of a decrease. The 8700k will be able to differentiate itself from the 9700k because it will have 12 threads to the 9700k's 8 threads.

Unless you are tied to the z370 platform, I would consider AMD's 2xxx Ryzen offerings as they are very competitive in performance and are cheaper in most categories.

with this price bump Intel is worse choice on all except highest gaming rigs. AMD really have incredible comeback

with this price bump Intel is worse choice on all except highest gaming rigs. AMD really have incredible comeback

I completely agree. Last year I put an 8700k in my gaming rig, but if I had it to do over again, I would have hold off and went with the 2700x. Intel has been my go to for gaming chips over the last decade, but now it is really hard to justify Intel CPUs until their pricing comes down.
I only see price drops here

if they are going up for you I think it just means the retailer is running out of stock so he bumped the price back up to suggested retail, it happens towards a product's end of retail cycle. the new chips will hit the shops with new prices but it looks like intel is lacking capacity to put these new refresh cpu's on the shelf for everyone