Intel diagnostic tool PCH fail.


Sep 19, 2013
I don´t know what happens.

PCH fail

--- IPDT64 - End Time: 06/12/2016 2:20:27
--- IPDT64 - Result: Fail

Any suggestions?

Edit: more information.

PCH Test
Module Version:
Start Time: Tue Dec 06 02:25:18 2016
Test Result - FAIL

Chipset : Skylake Platform Controller Hub

No device connected to PCI Express Port 1

1 device connected to PCI Express Port 9
1 : Controladora de host USB gen�rico compatible con xHCI

No device connected to PCI Express Port 17

Error while retrieving SATA Device Information from OS.
Platform Controller Hub Test Failed!!!
End Time: Tue Dec 06 02:25:18 2016
Total Time: seconds: 0
Start fresh

    ■ Unplug power cord, remove motherboard battery, push and hold case's power button for 5 sec to wipe fail CMOS data, wait 15 min, push and hold case's power button for 5 sec, wait 15 min.
    ■ Reinstate battery, turn on, enter BIOS, set time and date, set SATA to AHCI save and exit,
    ■ Install Intel Rapid Storage Technology
Start fresh

    ■ Unplug power cord, remove motherboard battery, push and hold case's power button for 5 sec to wipe fail CMOS data, wait 15 min, push and hold case's power button for 5 sec, wait 15 min.
    ■ Reinstate battery, turn on, enter BIOS, set time and date, set SATA to AHCI save and exit,
    ■ Install Intel Rapid Storage Technology

Nice one!.
Installed intel rapid storage technology and passed the test :S.
Is this expected?

Very thank you.