I don't really understand this whole face mask situation.
The medical authorities say they are totally useless and us unwashed masses shouldn't buy/wear them because they are a super valuable resource that needs to be readily available. So which is it? Why do doctors want them so badly if they don't do anything?
You don't need a mask, if you follow the advice of distancing, hand-washing, and not face-touching.
If you use a mask in close proximity to someone who has it, and you don't follow the proper removal procedure, you could actually infect yourself (since virus will be present on the outside of the mask). So, wearing one could create a false sense of security that results in people not maintaining a safe distance, and then getting exposed.
Finally, even though masks aren't 100%, they will at least reduce the viral load, which is an important risk factor faced by healthworkers. Basically, if you get a high initial dose of the virus, it can multiply far more, before your immune system has a chance to react, which results in a far worse prognosis for you.
So are the face masks necessary?
For the general public, the main group who should wear masks are people who are definitely or potentially infected. In this population, the mask can reduce their chance of infecting others.
People keep saying its for sick people, but if they can't stop a virus from passing through then what do they do?
It's a matter of degree. So, for a sick person, even
reducing the amount of virus they spread can lower the chance of infecting someone else. In that sense, the mask doesn't have to be 100%, in order to be helpful.
Likewise, for healthcare workers who can't maintain a safe distance and aren't in high-contact environments, it could either reduce their chances of infection or at least reduce the risk of complications.
For healthcare workers in high-contact situations, I'd imagine they're wearing "space suits", or at least wearing the masks along with face shields.