intel G3258 stock voltage

Bigwood daddy

May 6, 2015
Hi All
I have got intel 3258 paired with asus h81M-v3 and by using cpu-z id , the stock voltage reaches to 1.089 at its stock speed , the temperature is high yet when i play Nascar using intel integrated graphics cpu temp reach to 60 degree @3.2ghz and 1.089v (stock voltage) with stock cooler should i lower the voltages for 1.025 will it be able run it at its stock speed with lower temperature? What is the minimum voltage required to run intel g3258 at its stock speed ? note that i tried to overclock it once to 4ghz and temperature were close 80 at 1.152 though the weather temperature reaches around 30 to 40 degree in some days so i put everything at its default until i get an aftermarket cooler but just incase weather temperature reaches to 45 here (summer) will i be able to oc it with cooler master hyper evo 212 ?
Thank you in advance
1. 60C is fine.
2. If you can lower your voltage at stock speeds it will lower your temperatures some.
3. Each chip is different and the only way to find out how low you can lower your voltage would be to lower it a tick at a time and test for stability.
4. The evo 212 will allow you to overclock the G3258 and maintain reasonable temperatures yes.
1. 60C is fine.
2. If you can lower your voltage at stock speeds it will lower your temperatures some.
3. Each chip is different and the only way to find out how low you can lower your voltage would be to lower it a tick at a time and test for stability.
4. The evo 212 will allow you to overclock the G3258 and maintain reasonable temperatures yes.