Sorry, but I take the consumer perspective here. And I am sick and tired of all these shenannigans which aim at (vendor) exclusivity and (consumer) restriction of choice. A separate studio cries exclusive titles and I'd rather want consoles to choke on bad ones than thrive. If I had any say, I'd in fact enforce cross-platform title compatibility and ownership (they say "buy" dammit, not "get suckered") across platforms.
I'm not sure I actually like Intel entering the dGPU business, when we all know they mainly aim at getting more of AMD's and nVidia's slice of the dGPUs cake. But if they do and I buy, I certainly want their GPUs to deliver the best performance they are capable of, if only to keep AMD and nVidia sharp, on their teeth and hopefully keeping some of their hardware readily available for gamers, too, not just miners and HPC: after all it was gaming which got GPGPU to where they are today.
In today's reality it means supporting game engines, not games. Of course, some tuning for a hardware/engine combination will still be required as long as they need to wring performance from different strenghts and capabilities: Less demanding legacy titles should just run with anything pushing pixels.
But I certainly wouldn't want to have to buy an AMD, Intel and nVidia GPU each (with distinct systemes?) just to be able play every game that catches my fancy: their choice and life-cycle must be completely independent!
Hardware, game-engines, game-shops and game studios should be strictly kept apart, never to use vertical lock-in to skew or restrict consumer choice. I want to be able to play my Steam titles on my PC (any GPU), my X-Box, my PSn, on Nvidia/Google/AWS clouds and on mobile via remote rendering of any mixture thereof without having to repurchase any title, as long as my inheritors care to play the games I bought.