Intel + GPU or Ryzen APU

Jul 2, 2018
I'm planning to play mainly E-Sports titles on this PC. My dilemma is in between these 2 builds, which one is the best bang for the bucks?

G4560 + RX 560, with the total cost of $370
R3 2200G APU, with the total cost of $363

I mixed some used parts on the Intel build (their warranty is still available) and all brand new components on the Ryzen build.
I'm on a very tight budget, so every penny matters
Definently get the g4560 and the rx 560. I had the g4560 and it did great for gaming. Plus the 560 is a solid card for that low budget pricerange. Definently better than an APU I wouldnt do that go for the intel and 560 for sure. The g4560 with my 1050 2GB could play most esports titles maxed out and stuff like overwatch at medium 60+ fps.
Definently get the g4560 and the rx 560. I had the g4560 and it did great for gaming. Plus the 560 is a solid card for that low budget pricerange. Definently better than an APU I wouldnt do that go for the intel and 560 for sure. The g4560 with my 1050 2GB could play most esports titles maxed out and stuff like overwatch at medium 60+ fps.