[SOLVED] intel i3-2100 wont allow me to install 64bit os

Jan 31, 2021
hi i have a intel i3-2100 installed on my pc and im trying to install win10 but when i load the install disk it wont load. it goes to the win10 logo then blank screen any help would be great thanks

heres the link to cpu info pic https://ibb.co/xGqy7Dv
Make sure you are following ALL of the instructions as outlined here (Including during the creation of the installation media):

Yes, I'd wait longer. Maybe as long at ten minutes, just to be safe. Sometimes it really does take a while for some operations to complete in the background when using Windows 10 with older hardware.
Jan 31, 2021
how long should it take i waited about 4 minutes and screen was still blank. i wouls stick with 32bit os as its only a work computer but as you can see i can only access 2.94gb of the 8gb installed should i wait longer
Make sure you are following ALL of the instructions as outlined here (Including during the creation of the installation media):

Yes, I'd wait longer. Maybe as long at ten minutes, just to be safe. Sometimes it really does take a while for some operations to complete in the background when using Windows 10 with older hardware.
Jan 31, 2021
ok thanks will try leaving it for 1 hour and will let you all know if it worked our not and thanks for replying so quick and remember stay safe everyone during this pandemic :)
I agree. While I haven't specifically seen this happen, creating new media and making sure to choose the "for use on a different computer" and unchecking the box next to "use the recommended options for THIS PC" and then making sure that next to architecture on that screens options you specifically have 64 bit selected. If 64 bit IS selected, and the rest of the grayed out options there are correct, then there is probably no need to uncheck that box or mess with those options. Only if the current system you are creating the media on is a 32 bit system and 32 bit is what is seen on those options would manually changing it to 64 bit be likely to have any effect.

I'd still probably try creating new installation media and try a different thumb drive as well.