Intel i5-4670K Haswell with older generation PSU?


Jan 27, 2014
I have an older psu the oczgxs700 and it's still running great. Im looking to upgrade my computer cpu/motherboard ect to the i5-4670K haswell. I read that this cpu needs a haswell certified psu, do I really need that or can I save money and use my ocz 700?
Your system will run fine with the older power supply. It's just when it goes into the haswell deep sleep, it doesn't wake up. You have to go to the back of your PSU, turn the switch off, then back on again in order to wake the system up.

By going into your bios (assuming your bios has this option) you can turn off the deep sleep modes and avoid this problem. But other than this deep sleep issue, it will not affect how your computer runs at all.
Your system will run fine with the older power supply. It's just when it goes into the haswell deep sleep, it doesn't wake up. You have to go to the back of your PSU, turn the switch off, then back on again in order to wake the system up.

By going into your bios (assuming your bios has this option) you can turn off the deep sleep modes and avoid this problem. But other than this deep sleep issue, it will not affect how your computer runs at all.

Thanks jimthenagual!