Intel i5 4690 and amd r9 290 or intel i7 4770k and nvidia gtx 770


Nov 6, 2014
So I was thinking of buying this prebuilt gaming pc from my local computer store for about $900:
Intel i5 4690
Amd r9 290
8gb ram
But, there is another model that is 100 dollars more:
Intel i7 4770k
Nvidia gtx 770
16 gb ram

Would the second option perform marginally better than the first option on games like CS GO, WOW, Bf4, Sim City, and minecraft? If it does, is it worth the extra 100 dollars?
build it yourself, but get the 4690k instead in case u decide to overclock in the future (ALWAYS think about the future).. also instead of r9 290, get the MSI GTX 970 like i did, it's dead silent, runs very cool, and only consumes like 300w I think (so u will only need 500w and above PSU). also, with this card, u will have the option to buy another one and do sli and since the card runs cool, doing sli will be no problem unlike the 290 which in crossfire may run hot. lastly, if u build ur own pc, u will get to choose one of the best parts, the case. the case is honestly an understated component, it holds all of ur other components and usually the cases that come with prebuilt pcs are not that good. For instance, i got an enthoo pro and...
If you played other games like bf4, COD + streaming then the extra $100 would be more than worth it.

But if your just playing those lower end games, then the extra $100 is not worth it.

However, if you want a pc that will last a bit longer, then the i7 build would be better since $100 is very cheap for those higher end components.
Its not worth it, quite frankly the i5 is ideal for gaming and the r9 290 is a better gpu.... However i recommend you build your own system you could get better components and save some money. You could get an i5 4690k, the gtx 970 for $530--the remaining components such as the case, ram, cpu cooler, psu, motherboard and HDD you could get for another 550 and you'd have an awesome rig.
build it yourself, but get the 4690k instead in case u decide to overclock in the future (ALWAYS think about the future).. also instead of r9 290, get the MSI GTX 970 like i did, it's dead silent, runs very cool, and only consumes like 300w I think (so u will only need 500w and above PSU). also, with this card, u will have the option to buy another one and do sli and since the card runs cool, doing sli will be no problem unlike the 290 which in crossfire may run hot. lastly, if u build ur own pc, u will get to choose one of the best parts, the case. the case is honestly an understated component, it holds all of ur other components and usually the cases that come with prebuilt pcs are not that good. For instance, i got an enthoo pro and it is GORGEOUS and only $100, there are also way better cases too. Also, don't get 16gb of RAM unless u really want to future proof ur rig and unless u do editing and such, 8 GB is enough even for massive games like Planetside 2
My build:
Enthoo Pro
i5 4690k
XFX 550W
212 EVO
1 TB HDD (NO SSD yet)
8 GB G SKILL Sniper 1866 RAM
2 SickleFlow 120 LED fans
WiFi adapter
Asus IPS 23 inch monitor that was on sale for $135

I did some looking around just to compare my build to other builds like it, and any build with one 970 generally costs $1500 and up not to mention they usually have shitty processors, cases, etc. they also usually don't come with LED fans and 212 EVO's and u gotta remember I included a $135 monitor in my build too, as well as a $15 WiFi adapter. Save the $500+ and build it urself, it took me like 7 hrs to build and wire my system up and I'm realllyyyy bad at doing stuff like this (it was my first build)

I get around 80FPS on BF4 ultra with my build also