Intel - i5 4690k or i7 4790k


Sep 9, 2014
I have the extra money currently to switch over to a Intel based system, I am wondering if the i7 is worth the extra 100 bucks, in terms of just pure next-gen games.

I have seen recommendations of next-gen games showing for a i7, is it necessary? How far will the i5 go vs the i7?

Again, just for gaming. Won't be doing much of any video editing etc.


They are both great but for now I would get the I5 as they are both future proof already. TBH, the I5 would last you maybe 3-5 years and then you can upgrade to the new DDR4 systems that the future holds :)

Sounds pretty solid too me. Thanks.

In another view, you said about the DDR4 systems, I completely forgot about that. Would the 8350 possibly last until the prices of the DDR4 systems lower to a more agreeable price point?

I understand that the whole AMD vs Intel debate is very intangible, Intel is by fact faster and better than AMD. Would the 8350 possibly get a boost in performance with newer games utilizing more cores?

It depends, but that new Devil's Canyon I5 beats the crap out of the 8350 so I would rather have a CPU that lasts me longer till the price drops. The FX 8350 is already dying my friend, probably has 2 years left of life before bottleneck :<.
