Intel I5-7500 using 3 cores instead of 4


Jun 6, 2017
So i recently bought and installed a I5-7500 and it was running kinda slug like for gaming purpose's.(Graphics Card is a GTX760 and the motherboard is a Z170-X1 with 8gb of ram) When i found the problem it turned out it was using all 4 cores and its kept pushing the cpu to 100%. after i made GTA5 use only 2 cores everything was fine. but then one of my cores vanished. not its saying i only have 3 cores when i had 4 at first. Im just really lost so any help would be really appreciated.

Its says cpu 0, cpu1, cpu2, but at first there was a cpu3 now its gone and i didn't deactivate it so it just vanished and idk why, and the reason i gimped it was because that was the only way to make it not completely freeze my computer.