Intel I5 8400 will it bottleneck my 1050ti or will i bottleneck the cpu

bottleneck is not a good word...
For different game, it has different requirements on CPU and GPU, some are more CPU intensive than GPU, there is almost no game will get 100% CPU and 100% GPU usage at the same time.
From power of the two, 1050 ti is way less powerful than the best 1080ti, compared to 8400 is not far away from 8700k.
It all depends on what games you play, 1050 ti is a budget 1080p gaming gpu, can allow med maybe high setting 60 FPS in AAA games. 8400 can handle ~ 100 FPS. In that sense, GPU is weaker. However, if you play games like CSGO, LOL etc, those games are not that gpu intensive and can reach ~200 FPS or more. What games do you play? and what monitor?
bottleneck is not a good word...
For different game, it has different requirements on CPU and GPU, some are more CPU intensive than GPU, there is almost no game will get 100% CPU and 100% GPU usage at the same time.
From power of the two, 1050 ti is way less powerful than the best 1080ti, compared to 8400 is not far away from 8700k.
It all depends on what games you play, 1050 ti is a budget 1080p gaming gpu, can allow med maybe high setting 60 FPS in AAA games. 8400 can handle ~ 100 FPS. In that sense, GPU is weaker. However, if you play games like CSGO, LOL etc, those games are not that gpu intensive and can reach ~200 FPS or more. What games do you play? and what monitor?
I agree with Vapour that the old concept of bottlenecking is generally not the right one. Looking at the CPU and GPU needs of the game separately (when both the CPU and GPU are decent) seems a better approach.

The i5-8400 is an amazingly good CPU. Good enough for almost all games at almost all settings.
The 1050ti is an amazing value for a GPU. It is good enough to get 1080p 60 frames per second in most games with most settings being close to max. But there will be an increasing number of games where max won't be smooth, but HIGH should still look good and play smoothly.

Between the two, the GPU is lower end than the CPU.
There is no such thing as "bottlenecking"
If, by that, you mean that upgrading a cpu or graphics card can
somehow lower your performance or FPS.
A better term might be limiting factor.
That is where adding more cpu or gpu becomes increasingly
less effective.

You have a reasonable cpu and gpu combo.
If I had a general recommendation for a gamer it would be to budget 2x the cost of the cpu for the GPU.

i have 2 monitors 1 20" and the other 1080p 24" i mainly play Gta v Fortnite Bo3 Rust Rainbow6s battlefield 1 overwatch and star wasrs battlefront 2

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