Intel i7 3770k Stock Fan noise


Apr 30, 2013
I have been informed repeatedly that my fan sounds unhappy and I was wondering if anyone else using the stock fan had any problems and if they may be fatal to my hardware. The fan emits a loud whirring sound and the intensity changes from time to time. Is a loud noise normal?
Check to see if there any wires caught in the fan most times it the fan own fan cables are routed wrong and are rubbing against the fan.most new CPU fans spin up and down with load of the of it normal. On some mb bios there are fan profiles to let the fan spin slower when not under load. Some asus mb bios have fan speed warning if the fan goes below a ser point. By default on asus it 600 rpm.try setting the profile to silent in the bios and see if the fan slows down under Idle loads.