Intel I7 4790 CPU Temp


Oct 8, 2015
I am just wondering since I am a bit concerned about the temperature of my CPU when I am idle. Here is a screenshot of my temperature in degrees I just want to know what the average temp is when idle and whilst gaming.

at a guess i am guessing that you have either a i5 4790k or i7 4790k these temperatures are pretty average the number on the right is what the max the cpu temp will go to you can lower by having a really good cooling but if your using the intel or amd provided cooler then your temp are going to stay 40 mids -to high 50s i have corsair water cooling and i sill get average 38-49 Celsius
at a guess i am guessing that you have either a i5 4790k or i7 4790k these temperatures are pretty average the number on the right is what the max the cpu temp will go to you can lower by having a really good cooling but if your using the intel or amd provided cooler then your temp are going to stay 40 mids -to high 50s i have corsair water cooling and i sill get average 38-49 Celsius