Hello, I have an intel i7 4790 with a GTX 770 graphics card. Lately, my computer has been having problems booting up, such as turning on but the screen will still be black. The only fix is to keep powering down and back on until it decides to work.
Another issue I'm having is extreme framerate drop. I have been playing most games on high graphics settings with no issues, but recently I can't even play a game of league of legends on the lowest graphics settings because I only get 4 fps.
I downloaded a program that checks my CPU temperatures and all four of the core temps were 95+ degrees Celsius. This is the case whether the pc is idle or if I'm in a game. As far as I know, the core temperatures have just recently started getting that high and that is causing a huge fps loss in every game.
Also, it may be worth noting that my Core speed and Core voltage are rapidly fluctuating.
Core speed fluctuates from 800MHz-3600MHz...
Does anyone have an idea of what they think might be wrong?
P.S. Sorry for bad formatting. I'm posting from my phone.
Another issue I'm having is extreme framerate drop. I have been playing most games on high graphics settings with no issues, but recently I can't even play a game of league of legends on the lowest graphics settings because I only get 4 fps.
I downloaded a program that checks my CPU temperatures and all four of the core temps were 95+ degrees Celsius. This is the case whether the pc is idle or if I'm in a game. As far as I know, the core temperatures have just recently started getting that high and that is causing a huge fps loss in every game.
Also, it may be worth noting that my Core speed and Core voltage are rapidly fluctuating.
Core speed fluctuates from 800MHz-3600MHz...
Does anyone have an idea of what they think might be wrong?
P.S. Sorry for bad formatting. I'm posting from my phone.