Intel i7 5820k


Jul 1, 2016
So my processor, as you see from the title, is an i7 5820k. It's base clock is 3.3 GHz and OC is 3.6 GHz. Well when I view the task manager under the performance tab, I see that it fluctuates reaching 3.96 GHz at some points. Is this dangerous? I keep an eye on my processor temps as well and the package temp only reaches about 40C. None of the cores are over 40C... What do you all think of this?
No a gaming profile would usually change the settings for your GPU. The CPU will OC on demand and again depending on settings in Bios. You can also set power profile in windows for performance or balanced.

Ah, ok. Yeah, I haven't messed with any CPU settings specifically in the bios. However, I did set the bios to a "gaming profile" so I'm assuming that's what allows it?