So, I decided to upgrade my computer from a i5-3570k to either of the CPU's listed in the title. I'm mostly using it for gaming and general purpose use, but want to multitask on my computer while gaming (watching videos, watch live streams, etc) without having a huge affect on my pc performance. And I know most people would guide towards the i5-6600k because of the price and its good enough for the purposes I'm using it for. But here's the thing tho, I'm getting the i7-5930k for around the same price as the i5-6600k from a friend of mine selling his used one. And I have researched that the i5-6600k has faster cores but only 4 of them. And the i7-5930k has 6 slower cores. In your guys opinion with pretty much price set aside, what will be the better choice. Faster fewer cores or slower more cores. Thanks