Discussion Intel i7-7820x 5.2ghz stable at only 1.250volts!!!!


Dec 26, 2020

Been working on this Oc project since I found the CPU on Facebook marketplace for only $64.00USD, and was in box new about a year ago. I figured the price for that CPU was either a scam or someone is trying to sell something broken to make a quick buck. Well when the CPU actually showed up 4 days later, once I got over the shock it was real I became painfully aware I had no way to test the massive CPU I was now the proud owner of, never thought past getting ripped off the day the delivery came so I had no next step and 30 days to test the CPU. I then instantly started looking for a x299 chipset.

After 20 min of looking at x299 Motherboards I became painfully aware that they were very expensive even used.
Well I spent the next 18 hours searching for parts for this new PC. Shortly after the 22 hour mark I knew I wanted an Asus Prime x299 Deluxe Mobo but the first revision was before Nvme really took off on the desktop side of things and before the Motherboard Manufacturers realized the amount of power the CpUs going into these boards was going to be well above or close to what they had built the power delivery capabilities of the Mobos coming out at that time.

That first gen deluxe board was selling around $600.00USD new and $450.00USD for used equipment a little over a year ago. This was when GPU prices were coming back down and other parts were fluctuating for months daily in every market around the world. Now The problem was I really wanted the Asus Prime x299 Deluxe II Mobo that was released after 2020 and redesigned vrm and support for 3 onboard NVMe drives with the ability to add more to the pcie lanes through expansion cards that could 4 or more NVMe drives pcie each.
The problem was those boards were back up to $1100.00 for new one on average. There were active eBay auctions around $850.00+ and rising. Luckily for me 36 hours after obtaining the CPU I found A new, in open box Deluxe II Mobo for $525.00 buy now and I noticed seller was selling 36 of them a company called XXXXX [Deleted by Moderator.] and I decided to ask them if they could do it for $475.00 and they told me they had purchased these Mobos for some military contract project and someone double ordered or two people both put through the same order not k ow the other was ordering the parts. So by sheer luck, 67 hours after receiving the insanely low priced i7-7820x CPU I also had a new Asus Prime X299 Deluxe II Mobo with working OLED screen built on the Mobo. I guess they had a lot of issues with those screens on those model boards even new they wouldn't work a lot of people were saying, mine had no issues.

So as I put the rest of the machine together from parts I had laying around from other builds that were wrong and I just held onto or the customer never came to pick up after having work done or a machine built.

I heard the stories about what Intel had hoped for with these CPUs and what the reality of those hopes and dreams weren't when it came to the CPU and the solder on the internal thermal bonds and the heat these gen CPUs would create due to the bad decisions made. I still wanted 5.0ghz on atleast a core stable but never expected to push the CPU to 4.6ghz in the first 20 min and on default CPU core voltages and power settings. I went back and thought I must of been reading on the wrong cpu this wasn't supposed to happen, most people said if I got 4.4ghz at 1.3xx volts I should be happy and if I can keep it cool , even happier. Well I was 0.2volts below and 0.2ghz above where I should be and those numbers are a massive difference than what they might look like to anyone that knows , I'm sure they would understand what my confusion was at that moment.
I ended up setting most cores at 1.198v and 3 cores to 1.250v more than they needed to be stable but well below what I should be at for 4.7ghz - 4.8ghz CPU operation on that CPU. It been set like that for about 5 months when I became to busy to spend days awake messing with overclocking the new system.
I decided to come back to it earlier today and had set the 1/2/3 preferred CPUs to 5.2ghz and the rest up from 4.7ghz to 5.0ghz and no voltage change, imagine my surprise when. I came out of shower to see it still waiting for my windows password when I had booted it after the BIOS changes and jumped in the shower.
Well it is still running and not going near the 208F thermal limit and is usually under 168F at full load and 120F just watching YouTube and going over emails.
Can't wait to run some benchmarks tonight , but a quick CPUz test and playing one online Forza Motorsports match before throwing on youtube and was as stable as it always is.

This has to be one of the best i7-7820x CPU to have come out of that entire Skylake 7820x CPU line. I've seen very few people that have broken 5.0ghz stable on this low a voltage and just a Cooler Master 240 AIO cooling the CPU.

Maybe Intel will want this chip back? I have heard of them in the past gaming ownership of an older CPU that runs way ahead of what was typical for that generation of chips. This I would think fits in pretty rare for what these chips usually need to perform heat and power wide. I'd see if they trade me cause I could upgrade from this 7th gen all the way to 10th gen and if I wasn't paying I'd love a 10980xe CPU for this Mobo. Lol I still get such great performance out of this chip that I never expected to have it this long , figured after a few months of overclocking and gaming I'd get a i7 or i9 7900x-9980Xe CPU and just keep my eye open for a 10980xe one day.
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