[SOLVED] Intel i7 8700k #4 temperature over heating?

Dec 29, 2018
all temps across the CPU are optimal except #4 which is over 100 Celsius.

Bad cooler mount?
motherboard problems?
bad CPU??
Yeah, I'd remove it and check for bent pins on the motherboard. If there are none, then I'd clean off all the paste and apply fresh paste and remount the cooler. It MIGHT be a bad CPU, and if you bought this processor used that probability goes up to almost "probably", but I'd rule out everything else first including what you are using to monitor with. If you are not using HWinfo (Sensors only) or Core Temp, I'd try one of those and see if you get the same result.
Yeah, I'd remove it and check for bent pins on the motherboard. If there are none, then I'd clean off all the paste and apply fresh paste and remount the cooler. It MIGHT be a bad CPU, and if you bought this processor used that probability goes up to almost "probably", but I'd rule out everything else first including what you are using to monitor with. If you are not using HWinfo (Sensors only) or Core Temp, I'd try one of those and see if you get the same result.