[SOLVED] Intel i7 vs Xeon


Dec 2, 2013
So I am looking to upgrade my CPU and I was looking at two different ones. The i7-4790 or the e3-1231 and was wondering if there is much difference. i want to be able to games such as arma and dayz while recording and, was wondering if there is a true advantage to spending the extra $50 on the i7 or if there isn't that big of a difference and should save the $50 and spend it on cpu cooling.
They are pretty much the same, they even use the same die. Xeon is nothing more than branding. It's weird to think a name change somehow makes it unfit to game or anything else the i7 could. You'll see xeons recommended here quite a bit for non ocers. They are a better deal.
I would get a i7... I feel like It would be weird to get a Xeon and game on it because its more of a server processor. Generally for gaming performance a i7 will do better if that is what you will use it for. It also has hyperthreading if you are into graphic design.

Sorry just realized Xeons have hyperthreading :pt1cable:
They are pretty much the same, they even use the same die. Xeon is nothing more than branding. It's weird to think a name change somehow makes it unfit to game or anything else the i7 could. You'll see xeons recommended here quite a bit for non ocers. They are a better deal.
The fact they dont have igp because the server/workstation doesnt need one also actually applies to a gaming pc, a powerful dgpu renders :) the igp useless so for non 'ocing gamers the xeon is actually a much better buy than locked i7/i5
There are xeon with igpu because there are cases where it's needed. It's sounds like you're saying the fact that it doesn't have igpu makes it better for gaming; wrong. It's not really irrelevant either since he stated recording and you could record with quick sync, although not necessary. It's better because of the price, nothing more.
Xeon's are more for servers because of all the cores inside them for the ultimate multitasking and networking but an i7 will always be better for gaming. I have seen that some i7's actually beat the xeon's in performance when playing games. The i7's are also more power efficient since they can only have up to 6 cores, not 12+ like the Xeon's. I really think you should spend the extra 50$ on the cooling since that is very important in gaming, especially if you are planning to overclock.

Seriously everyone needs to stop with the blanket statements. Xeons have a wide range of specs as do consumer cpus. There are dual core xeons (yes modern gen), that's a lot of cores for ultimate multitasking right there. There are also atom server cpus, although not technically under the xeon brand, they are server cpus and very low end specs. There are a wide range of cpu uses and a wide range of cpus to go along with it.

Of course i7 could win, so could xeon. Power efficiency? The 1231v3 is exactly the same. But if you want to talk about those high end xeons, scaling cores would obviously use more power but the fact that it can have x2 the multithreaded performance with only a 60% power increase means it's actually much more efficient. But I digress, no need to further discuss irrelevant hardware.
Go for the Xeon as it's clear you won't be using integrated graphics if you're gaming and also clear you won't be overclocking as your other option is the i7 4790 (non-K). I doubt you'll notice any real world performance difference, so just go for the cheaper option :).
would you stil recommend the xeons for someone who doesnt want/use integrated gpu? In the few articles Ive read people say that xeons outdo i7 in every way, yet a lot of people still say i7 are better for games even tho gamers are the ones who'd need dedicated gpu more often than not :/


Ic thanks, what xeons would you recommend within the price range of the 6600k and 6700k for games? Im not in a big hurry so I can wait several months, I heard there is new xeons coming out in q1. I also dont clock CPUs so having locked one won't mess with my activities.
The skylake xeon e3s, which are the same gen as the 6000 you are looking at should be out by the end of this year. There isn't any other xeons coming out soon and that is the latest gen that just came out. The 1230v5 is what you are probably looking at otherwise the 1231v3 that was mentioned in this thread is the best value since ddr4 is a bit more expensive with minimal performance difference. You should be able to find cheaper mobos as well.

Can you explain what does skylake mean? Also what is the expected price range on 1230v5 and is it expected for the other xeons to drop a bit when it releases? So far Im looking at 1231v3 vs 6700k and the difference with the same speed 6700k is 50$ and that is spendable for me but Im wondering will it still have much better performance with the 3.4Ghz ver as it shows on all the comparison sites (cpu boss and userbenchmark) or do those use the 4Ghz ver for comparison.
Each generation is given a codename, the latest is called skylake. The 1230v5 will be the same price as the 1231v3 and old cpus will not drop in price. Those cpus should be $100 different and they are not the same speed. The 6700k will be better performance but total system price maybe $200+ more if you take into account ram and mobo as well.

ok. thanks I think Ill wait for 1230v5 and figure it out then since I did notice that Ill need new ram too because mine is ddr2 ^^ Still not sure if it would be worth to empty all my pockets to go for 6700l and ddr4 too considering Ill most likely need to get new ram next time too even if I go for it :/

eh any tips where should I follow when the v5 gets released? Ive been googling every couple of days but couldnt find anything 😀

Sorry to bother you again about this but seems the 1230v5 isnt supported by 170z. Is it still worth getting it over 6700k at 3.4GHz ? The problem I see is that I couldnt find anything in my local store searching for c232/c236 and price will bump up for ordering mb elsewhere since I got slight discount here.

Ah ok, asking because I saw article but I guess no harm to wait and see^^ Also why h170? Ive seen people recommending z170 for 6700k and I assumed same will be best for 1230v5 but havent done much research

ah ic, thanks. I guess now I wait more till the actual release to see if they can actually run on consumer boards? If that doesnt happen is 3.4ghz 6700k the best similar choise?