[citation][nom]milktea[/nom]I bet these memory must be in BGA form which requires them to be soldered onto the main board. Much like how Intel might do away socketed CPU into BGA.[/citation]
Heck, ram is relatively cheap and easy to make. Just throw 4GB on the chip and call it a day. 5 years from now we are talking about sub 10nm die process, so I am sure that space would not be much of an issue.
[citation][nom]dozerman[/nom]Good. Faster memory means that caches can be smaller and chip transistors can be more adequately set to better purposes. This is a win for every part of the computer industry assuming intel doesn't horde the findings to themselves.[/citation]
If Intel gets into the memory business it is NOT a win for everybody. It means major job cuts for every memory manufacturer out there. Makes faster systems that can 'race to sleep' more efficiently, so it would be a potential win for consumers, but definitely not a win for everyone.