Intel Launches Program to Close Tech Divide for Women

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"...but our research shows that girls and women are being left behind."

And the research team had any women in it?

I'm sorry, but this is just an insult to girls. They're not stupid and they know what they want in life. If they want to learn "math", they'll do just fine. I know a lot of engies and the best are usually women in my opinion. They're fewer, yes, but the quality is great.

So, I don't think telling them "we think you're disabled as a person, so you need our manly help" is a good thing to do.

I might be overblowing the meaning behind this initiative, but I hate it when people think that women and men have a different mental capacity (standarized, not special cases) for work. We are different and all, but brute brain work is not one of those differences. Try on preferences and a cultural enrichment next time, but not education IMO. Men are usually the cause of women not getting into technology, not themselves.

oh brother... more PC Bullsh!t. God forbid there be any sort of defined gender roles the world might work properly and not need the government to be our nanny or whatever analogy you want to use.
No. Intel sends the message that women are retarded, and they need a program for "special" people.
Disclaimer: Not my personal views. Just translating what Intel means.
I might be overblowing the meaning behind this initiative, but I hate it when people think that women and men have a different mental capacity (standarized, not special cases) for work. We are different and all, but brute brain work is not one of those differences. Try on preferences and a cultural enrichment next time, but not education IMO. Men are usually the cause of women not getting into technology, not themselves.
You whacked the nail squarely on the head. The technical difference in raw brain ability between males and females is pretty negligible.

The gap is almost certainly because of stereotypes and peer homophily.
Women are under a (historical) social pressure to assume a certain social role. But in most western countries, they may simply ignore that with little penalties (if any). The stereotypes will linger for some time but I hope they will eventually disappear. I hate this European initiative to force at least 40% of women in a company's management. What a load crap! Women are capable of achieving that percentage naturally but they must refuse the social role that's often being fed down their throats.

In developing world, the situation may be entirely different (a century behind, perhaps) hence the need of forced/accelerated evolution.
Yeah women are stupid and we men must put a pressure on them to keep up with technology and such. It's common knowledge that women are incapable of making independent decisions. Great XIX century mentality Intel.
Whoever said men are the cause of women not getting into tech, screw you, you sexist moron.
Women are not stupid, but programs like this make me sick. When is it going to stop?
If someone wants to do something, they WILL find a way. That's HUMAN nature.
As far as women are concerned, there are so many in high positions of power, the men vs women thing, is over. Move on with your lives. What, you say it's not over? That women are being oppressed today? Tell that to Hillary Clinton, or Marissa Mayer, Or Selena Gomez, or Jennifer Anniston, or Michelle Obama, or Heidi Klum, or any number of other females in great positions, oh wait, you're "too weak" so you'll have to wait for a program like this but a man could talk to them right away, because they're a man?
Neither a man or female is going to get anywhere close to any of these women, why? Because people these days think you need a crutch for everything, and these women, "they're just lucky." Right? No, they worked hard.
I confuse by all the hate for encouraging more woman to consider careers in technology. I got a degree in computer science and I can tell you all my junior and senior level computer science classes consisted of 90-95% men. No one at Intel is suggesting that woman or not equally capable of men but rather society does a better job encouraging men to pursue technology jobs then they do at encouraging woman to. My love for computer started when my parents bought a 486 in the early 90's when I was not even a teenager yet. My parents let me play with it and break the software on it many times. This it not about giving woman a crutch but rather opportunities to experience technology from a early age so they can fall in love with technology the same way I did by being allow to play with a computer at a very early age.
I have a feeling there are plenty of men in India who didn't get computers as a kid. No one is against giving women opportunities CyranD, but why do they deserve more than guys? What if you parents gave that computer to a female relative, since "society" was already giving you so many advantages for being male
"aims to reach 1 million women in India and patterning with several governments and organizations in Latin America "

Why focus on only these parts of the world?
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