Intel Nuc worth it?


Oct 23, 2016
I recently watched a video about it, I was wondering if it is worth buying it to use. I am also wondering if you can play csgo on low or medium settings
If you really wanna buy it go for nuc that has an i5 and Intel HD 5000 and you can max out Cs go and play even games like battlefield. It is a really solid choice tbh.

A solid nuc costs around 500$ it can play many games with solid fps but 500$ for a iGPU and NO RAM ? I don't think that is worth it. I mean yeah you can put it in a pocket but what would that matter if you are a gamer and cant play games with solid fps and that wont stutter. You can get a solid notebook for that price.

The nuc you linked is def a good choice if you just wanna browse the web and watch streams/videos maybe even for programming and playing non demanding games but other than that it is not that great. I mean as I said the size of the thing is really neat...
Unless you *need* the small size and low power consumption, it's generally not worth it. You can usually put together a full desktop with equivalent specs for 2/3 to 1/2 the price.

Usually it's people who want to mount it behind a TV as a HTPC that go for this form factor. Most people wanting portability and low power consumption get a laptop instead. (In fact I frequently recommend laptops instead of a NUC as a HTPC - they're a lot cheaper and easier to find used on Craigslist or eBay, especially if the screen is busted.)

im on a really tight budget and cant fund a desktop or laptop i was looking at this nuc
That has a netbook-level CPU (formerly named Atom - Intel changed the name to match its desktop processors to fool people into buying them). It'll be fine for web browsing and watching videos. But you're likely to be extremely disappointed with its performance while gaming. It only manages to get decent benchmarks due to being a quad core. On any single-threaded task it's less than half the speed of a Core-based Celeron.

The HD Graphics 500 is basically the 510 clocked a 750 MHz instead of 900 MHz. The performance of the 510 in games is already very poor. Add the lower clock speed and weaker CPU (CSGO is very CPU-intensive for a game) and you're likely to be disappointed.

If you want to try this, I'd highly recommend buying it from a store which will give you a full refund if you decide to return it.
Nah I wouldn't recommend it for gaming. My friend wanted to play Cs and Minecraft on it as well but the performance that you are looking for is just not there. As dropment said it is for people who NEED low power consumtion.
If you really wanna buy it go for nuc that has an i5 and Intel HD 5000 and you can max out Cs go and play even games like battlefield. It is a really solid choice tbh.

A solid nuc costs around 500$ it can play many games with solid fps but 500$ for a iGPU and NO RAM ? I don't think that is worth it. I mean yeah you can put it in a pocket but what would that matter if you are a gamer and cant play games with solid fps and that wont stutter. You can get a solid notebook for that price.

The nuc you linked is def a good choice if you just wanna browse the web and watch streams/videos maybe even for programming and playing non demanding games but other than that it is not that great. I mean as I said the size of the thing is really neat but I would save up and buy something better 😀

im going to use this until i go to college and spent more for a dell xps 13 i have another pc but it had an i5 750 and a radeon hd 5700 series and i get 80-120 fps on csgo