I wonder if this has anything to do with Verizon successfully squashing net neutrality. Potentially they could disable anyone on there network from using netflix and only allow access to their online service.Access to online media has been slowed down to rediculus levels by the cable/satelite companies. The only hope will be when the content providers decide to all put their content online themselves with comercials either free or for a minimum cost to subscribers via smartvs or roku boxes or PS3/4 XBOX360/1.I think I speak for everyone in saying the cable satelite companies are raping the public. I left comcast last year because they raised my rates to $200 for cable tv with HBO and internet. I moved the TV to DirectTv and I still pay $100/month for HBO and basic channels. What is frustrating is that with DirectTV, I have more channels that are 24/7 comercials then I have actual channels. If my wife didn't care, I would just get Hulu and Netflix and no other TV source, but she has to have her "housewives of whatever" so there is no comprimising on that.