Intel or amd cpu help


Jun 17, 2015
uld someone help me I'm building a £1,200 computer and I don't know if I should go with a amd cpu or Intel. Also if someone could put a build together on pc part picker that would be nice this is my first build so yeah. I have some idea of what I want

p:// / [Price breakdown by merchant](

You're right. I7 are overkill and worthless for Gaming. Gaming doesnt need hyper threading. Unless you are doing heavy rendering like 3D rendering or you work for making long length movies you dont need it. i5 are more than enough for every Heavy Games for now and for long time
What games do you play? Intel performs better with single-threaded applications. AMD performs better with multi-threaded applications and with multitasking, it handles many threads or applications at once without slowdowns. At 4k the FX 8xxx runs better than the i7 4930K/5960X in not CPU bound games (mostly multiplats consoles games), but at 1080p with games like Arma runs very crappy.
So it depends what games and resolution you usually play.