Intel or AMD my thoughts!


May 25, 2003
And for the Intel/AMD gamingplatform question: if one has the cash one cant go wrong with Intel. It's more expensive, about 20% in sweden, comparing:
Asus Nforce2 Deluxe Mobo with an XP 2800+ barton, with
Asus 865 deluxe mobo and an Intel 2.6 Ghz FSB 800. The Intel platform is simply faster! Even considering the Nforce 2 sound APU giving approx 8% avarage speed adavantage over any other soundcard including the Audigy2. And those extra 20% will not get an AMD cpu that surpasses the Intel cpu.

Ofcourse this calculation does not consider memorycosts: Intel does require more expensive memorymodules but the AMD can also benefit from PC 3200 memory with cas 2.

So unless overclocking go Intel.
If i was bying a system right now, yeah i would go with intel FSB800. but keep in mind AMD has a card up in its sleeve (Athlon64) and it's all but a matter of time when that comes out.
If i was buying a system right now, yeah i would go with intel FSB800. but keep in mind AMD has a card up in its sleeve (Athlon64) and it's all but a matter of time when that comes out.
A simple fsb change in the BIOs can pump a 2.4c to the 3.0+ mark, and you'll be stil able to run it stablely using the stock hsf. How can AMD beat that :) I've saw a dude pumped his 2.4c to 3.8 with a nice water cooling system. That was some unholy power right there.

Anthalon64 will go head to head with Prescott, not the c line of P4.

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