Intel pentium 4 vs intel e7500 core 2 duo


Feb 2, 2010
How does a pentium 4 cpu 3.20 ghz compare with an intel e7500 core 2 duo in terms of processing power?
I'd like to run an MMO (Star Trek Online) and I have a Pentium 4, the box says I should use an Intel E7500 core 2 duo, will I be able to run it on what I have?


Jan 3, 2010
the P-4 may sound like 3.2GHz is fast, but with the single core, its just spinning its wheels and producing heat. the core 2 duo can more efficiently process data, not needing to work as hard to do the same thing the p-4 would do. another way to say it would be: everything the p4 has to do by itself, the core 2 duo can divide the task to 2 core. now each core is doing half the work the P4 single core would have to do all alone.


Mar 9, 2006

Run it? Probably yes.

Effectively? No.


Jan 14, 2006
With Enough RAM (Id Reccomend At-Least 3GB) And A Decent Graphics Card, It Will Run The Game Just Fine, If That All You Plan To Do Then Save Your Money Its Enough. Trust Me, And Hell Im An AMD Man


What kind of graphics do you have in your computer? If they are newer than the rest of your system they might compensate a little to let you scrape by on low settings-- if not I doubt you can run it well.

We would be happy to help you pick out a new computer if you can get $400-500 dollars together...

p.s. I played the Star Trek beta and the first few missions are pretty sweet. So are the space combat mechanics. I'm not certain how the storyline will develop as it ages... but we shall see. The new Star Wars MMO looks pretty sweet too.


Jul 1, 2009
P4-2.8ghz +ECS PT800CE-A, 2gb DDR@ 400mhz, WD320GB IDE, HIS 4670 1GB ** Edit ** yes, AGP, btw

Fallout3 medium effects @ 1440x900 = ~30-50FPS; very playable.

STO minimal effects settings @ 1440x900 = 30-60FPS and 50fps avg, drops to maybe 15fps at worst-case (HUGE combat with lots of ships, and on some space-stations)

** I can still read the ship-name and registration # on the hull; Absolutely playable, if you don't need to see every pretty FX feature.
** Edit ** Additionally, STO seems to be very heavy-GPU oriented. A friend used a dual-core (e5200?) with a GF7800 and had problems. Upgraded to a 250 and now runs solid.

FallenEarth will run 60FPS in open terrain, but average 30FPS in most towns. Largest towns will drop to 1-3fps at first, then stabilize to about 10fps.

** Mostly play-able, though it does get a bit rough in some cities and hot-spots. Just gotta take it slow and easy.

WoW = 30-50FPS at medium terrain distance and detail - but who needs all that junk anyway. Distance, maybe...

Everquest = 30-60FPS. Why EQ? I picked it up again after 8 years. Leveled my druid from 52 to 80 in 3 weeks, then I won the game.. Done forever now.

Legoland = not sure (yet) - waiting on BETA.


Nov 27, 2008
Oh the good ol eq1.

Pretty sure I still have a 70 ranger and 70 shaman on seperate accounts on bristlebane. About 300+ days combined play time... should have sold em when they were hot hehe. I quit when the 75 lvl increase expansion came and made it hella easy to gear up when I spent hundereds of hours farming certain pieces.

I hade a friend play for 2 months on the new expansion and he had a better gear set than me and I spent 2 years on the gear alone.

That's when I had enough of eq. :) started back when kunark first released. Played it on a pentium 2 200mhz and a (nice back then) 32MB geforce 2. Oh those were the days.