for everyone who read this answers, and want to buy this cpu for gaming and have limited budget (so i3 is not an option) u can't go wrong, some1 said u won't be able to run AC4 ahahhahah, other games on low more ahhahhaha and all that cause of cpu ofc, well he lied, if u throw something like gtx 660/750ti, or r9 270x in your pc that cpu will run every game on high/ultra settings, there are so many reviews of entium g3258 stock and oced, cause it's overclockable so they review it the most from pentium g series and u can see that proc is holding every gave on max settings but they use stronger gpu's, and 3220 and 3258 on stock are almost the same procs, so if 3528 can play any game on ultra with strong gpu, 3220 can also to that. u can always sell it and buy i3/i5 in the future if u want but for now it's more than capable of playing every game out there if u have good GPU.. i know post is almost a year old, but lot of guys are searching for pentium g3220 so that's why i replyed, and also cause i saw some1 said it's not capable of playing newer games