Intel Preparing Xeon Phi Series Co-Processors

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An official seti@home credit increaser board?
Wow it's amazing that this is real. You obviously need software to communicate with this SOC board.
Why use so many low clocked cores when you could use fewer higher clocked cores and save silicon?
"What practice application will this serve in a desktop that a video card cannot do?"
GPUs have much smaller "instruction sets" if you will, and cannot trace out solutions through iteration, or have large amounts of core specific local memory (state variables, flags, etc). With GPUs you tend to know the operation they will do start-to-finish ahead of time (aka there is no conditional branching).
Granted, there are ways/interfaces to do CPU workloads with GPUs, albeit less efficiently (work per watt probably an important consideration with these cards).
It doesn't serve a purpose for your average desktop, it's meant for scientific computing. There ones finds numerous parallelizable applications that can be sped up by many factors with these kinds of cards.
I'm curious to see what kind of price/ performance ratios we get out of the new stock. Pretty schweet stuff overall!
It doesn't serve a purpose for your average desktop, it's meant for scientific computing. There ones finds numerous parallelizable applications that can be sped up by many factors with these kinds of cards.
I'm curious to see what kind of price/ performance ratios we get out of the new stock. Pretty schweet stuff overall!

With the proper coding, these can be used for processing server loads....running VM's....anything a regular desktop processor can do. These things also don't rely on an API for processing as they are designed to run native x86 instructions. So, anything that relies on x86 instructions....these processors can do. Graphics cards are really quite limited in what they can do compared to the Xeon Phi cards.
300 watts and passive cooling...
I wonder how many power connectors they will need?
I saw one of these processors listed in Intel ARK codenamed Knights Corner?
I wonder what the pricing will be?
This reminds me of the 386/486 days when coprocessors were more in fashion.
Due to the onboard memory in combination with an x86 processor, the device can even work as a fully independent computer........"
That means we can remove the main CPU from the LGA socket and just put this Xeon Phi onto the PCI-E x16 slot and can run windows on it ?? Wow.......
Terrible writing. Uggggh.
Slammed into a PCIe slot? Baked on 22nm? They neither slam these processors, or bake them with the ginger bread. I know it's nice to sound hip, but being a proper hipster doofus means it doesn't come off as so forced. Although, you nailed the doofus part.
The last two paragraphs are awkward. I have a (admittedly high-functioning) chicken that can write better than that.
Just awful writing.
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