Azis Mulyana :
jojesa :
Azis Mulyana :
80c above but intel xtu does not detect any thermal throttling
What do you mean by "80C above"? 90C is above 80C and it will throttle if it gets close to 90C.
If happens when the CPU and GPU are loaded then it could be power limit throttling
Go to Device Manager and uninstall Intel Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Processor Participant.
That marked area is when I'm playing a game, random spike to 0.80 Ghz. When it drops my cpu is only around 74 c...
Power limit throttling, (not to be confused with thermal throttling) kicks in when the CPU and GPU are loaded at once, and go beyond the power requirements set by motherboard or manufacturer. Also it could happen when the VRM on the motherboard overheats and power is reduced to cool them down.
On XTU, go to 'Core' under 'Advance Tuning'
Reduce the 'Turbo Boost Short Power Max' (on the left) to match the 'Turbo Boost Power Max (on the right).
Check if the throttling is reduced